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Yoga&Dance Spring Festival fotka
Yoga&Dance Spring Festival fotka
Yoga&Dance Spring Festival fotka
Yoga&Dance Spring Festival fotka
Yoga&Dance Spring Festival fotka
Yoga&Dance Spring Festival fotka
Yoga&Dance Spring Festival fotka
Yoga&Dance Spring Festival fotka
Yoga&Dance Spring Festival fotka
Yoga&Dance Spring Festival fotka
Yoga&Dance Spring Festival fotka
Yoga&Dance Spring Festival fotka
Yoga&Dance Spring Festival fotka
Yoga&Dance Spring Festival fotka
Yoga&Dance Spring Festival fotka

We are looking for helpers

The production team of the festival is expanding, and if you feel that you have yours
with something to offer, do not hesitate to contact us and write to us!


You can enrich the festival with the vibrations of music. singing?

Write to us, and don't forget to attach a link to your work.


Stall sale

The festival is a place for pleasant meetings, practicing yoga, lectures, exercises, and the whole environment is underlined and highlighted by the atmosphere created by the buzz around the stalls of various kinds - clothes, jewelry, decorations, coffee, something sweet for the tooth or perhaps exercise aids.


We capture each annual event with photos or a video, from which an after-festival movie is created. Can you pick up a camera and conjure up the unforgettable atmosphere of the festival in pictorial form? Can you handle the camera and edit the after movie? Get in touch with us!


Stall sale

The festival is a place for pleasant meetings, practicing yoga, lectures, exercises, and the whole environment is underlined and highlighted by the atmosphere created by the buzz around the stalls of various kinds - clothes, jewelry, decorations, coffee, something sweet for the tooth or perhaps exercise aids.


- Příležitost stát v centru dění nejkrásnějšího a festivalu jógy v Česku s nejdelší tradicí

- Časovou flexibilitu, je nám jedno, kdy to uděláš, když to uděláš.

- Příležitost spojovat se, propojovat a seznámit se s řadou zajímavých, talentovaných a významných hostů.

- Adekvátní finanční ohodnocení a výhody pro Tvé známé.

Tato úloha vyžaduje zkušenosti, není vhodná pro absolutní nováčky.

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